Outreach Committee
With the help of many Grace Church parishioners, the Outreach Committee sponsors two major events each year, stays in contact with home-bound parishioners and sends monetary help to worldwide emergency needs.
In March, the committee holds a Dr. Seuss Breakfast. Children from several inner city schools are invited for a Saturday morning event which includes breakfast, face painting, crafts and stories read by The Cat in the Hat. Each child goes home with a new book and a bag of Dr. Seuss related goodies.
In December, the committee coordinates a very successful Giving Tree program. Thanks to our very generous parishioners, gifts were delivered to 129 needy children in Manchester in 2019. Additionally, warm hats and mittens were delivered to several Manchester schools and The Way Home.
Project Laundry Love
Grace Episcopal Church began its Laundry Love ministry in January 2016. We are the first Episcopal Church in the Diocese of New Hampshire, under the lay leadership of Brian Guimond and Hank Gagnon, to begin a monthly offering of Laundry Love to the Manchester community.
On the first Tuesday of every month (July excepted), the ministry pays for the laundry of all those who step through the doors of Granite State Laundromat, located at the corner of Lake Avenue and Union Street, in downtown Manchester. Snacks, drinks and activities are provided for the children of all our Laundry Love parishioners as well.