If you would like to participate in any of the listed ministries, please contact the office of Grace Church.
Lay Worship Ministries
Lay Readers are volunteer adults and young people assigned on a rotation basis to assist worship by reading the lessons and leading the Prayers of the People at both Sunday services.
Eucharistic Ministers assist the clergy in distributing Holy Communion during our larger worship services.
Eucharistic Visitors bring Holy Communion to the homebound and ill members of Grace Church who would be otherwise unable to attend regular Sunday worship.
Subdeacons assist the clergy in proclaiming the Gospel and in preparing the altar during Sunday worship. Typically, they have shown mastery in one or more other worship ministries.
Acolytes include children, youth and adults who lead worship by carrying candles and the cross in procession. On holy days they may also carry incense. Older, more skilled acolytes are trained to provide leadership and oversight for their younger, less experienced brothers and sisters.
Ushers welcome people to services, provide service leaflets, answer questions and assist worship by receiving the offering and directing people to Communion in an orderly fashion.
Altar Guild Members are in charge of the arrangement and care of the vessels, vestments and other elements used at worship services. They almost always carry out their work behind the scenes, including preparing the sanctuary for worship.
Greeters form a bridge between worship and New Member Ministry by providing a friendly face to people attending worship, especially new members.